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Функционал commit/rollback в коммутаторах Extreme

Зачастую возникают ситуации когда в результате ошибочно введенных команд пропадает доступ на коммутатор, отключается порт или проблемы с ssh/telnet или ACL. В сообществе Extreme создали скрипт позволяющий избежать больших проблем. Введенная команда применяется сразу и запускается таймер, по истечении которого запрашивается применить или нет изменения, если ответа не последовало команда отменяется. Командой rollback можно сразу откатить изменения.

Пример использования:


 — You must enclose the next two commands in double quotes —


Enter Backout Command e.g. «disable port 1:1»

«disable port 25»


Enter Commit Command e.g. «enable port 1:1» [THIS WILL EXECUTE]

«enable port 25»


enable port 25 has been executed

A delay of 10000 miliseconds has been started

A delay of 10000 miliseconds has been stopped

Do you want to commit? y/N e.g. «y»


disable port 25 has been executed because a commit of y was not set




- A delay variable is used to allow the commit command to finish. Set

this delay preference in miliseconds

- The idletimeout variable is used in the event the commit command terminates

your session. Set this idletimeout variable preference in seconds

- This script dynamically creates a failsafe upm profile. This profile is used

only in the event you were to lose your session with the switch

- The failsafe upm profile is only triggered from failsafe log filter. This

log filter is unique to your session IP address.



Any issues please report the bug in the ExtremeXOS Forum.






# Extreme Networks® CLI Script


# Script    : commit.xsf

# Revision   : 1.0

# Last Updated : 2010, July 21st

# Purpose   : This script executes a backout command in the event

#        your commit command fails or you were to lose your

#        telnet/ssh session.

# Author    :, Extreme Extensibility Team

# Contact          :

# Contact          : (ExtremeXOS Forums)


# Change Log:

# 1.0 — 2010, July 21st

#   * First Revision




enable cli scripting

disable cli-config-logging

disable clipaging

create log entry «**********Starting CLI Script**********»


#@ScriptDescription «Short Script Description»

# @VariableFieldLabel «When this script encounters errors, do you wish to abort or ignore (abort or ignore)»

set var ynCliModeAbortEnabled ignore

# @SeparatorLine

# Begin custom variable definitations

# Set the amount of time in miliseconds to allow the command to take affect

set var delay 10000

set var idletimeout 1

# End of custom variable definitations







if (!$match($ynCliModeAbortEnabled,ignore)) then

 create log entry «CLI mode set for Ignore on error»

 configure cli mode scripting ignore-error


 create log entry «CLI mode set for abort on error»

 configure cli mode scripting abort-on-error



# Start of CLI Script (Enter the custom script code below)


 set var blank «»

 show var blank

 set var comment « — You must enclose the next two commands in double quotes — »

 show var comment

 show var blank

 set var backout $READ(Enter Backout Command e.g. «disable port 1:1»)

 save var key red backout

 show var blank

 # Verify we don't already have a failsafe upm

 set var CLI.OUT «»

 show upm profile

 set var inputA $TCL(list ${CLI.OUT})

 set var listA $TCL(split $inputA «\n»)

 set var countA $TCL(llength $listA)

 set var icountBack ($countA — 0)

 set var icount 0

while ($icount < $icountBack) do

 set var findIt $TCL(lindex $listA $icount)

 set var findUPM $TCL(regexp {failsafe} $findIt)

if ($findUPM == 1) then

 delete upm profile failsafe


 set var icount ($icount + 1)


 # create a failsafe upm

 # make sure there is no space before the «.» below

 create upm profile failsafe

 load var key red backout


 create log entry «UPM failsafe has executed $(backout)»

 configure idletimeout 20

 disable log target upm «failsafe»

 delete log target upm «failsafe»

 delete log filter «failsafe»

 delete var key red


 # The above «.» should not have a space before it!

 # Grab the session IP Address

 set var CLI.OUT «»

 show session

 set var inputA $TCL(list ${CLI.OUT})

 set var listA $TCL(split $inputA «\n»)

 set var countA $TCL(llength $listA)

 set var icountBack ($countA — 0)

 set var icount 0

while ($icount < $icountBack) do

set var findIt $TCL(lindex $listA $icount)

set var findSessionIP $TCL(regexp {(\*[0-9]{1,}\s+.*.\s+)([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3})} $findIt)

if ($findSessionIP == 1) then

 set var ipOnly $TCL(regexp -inline {(\*[0-9]{1,}\s+.*.\s+)([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3})} $findIt)

 set var value1 $TCL(lindex $ipOnly 2)


 set var icount ($icount + 1)


 # Create the failsafe log filter

 create log filter failsafe

 configure log filter failsafe add events AAA.logout match string «$(value1)»

 create log target upm failsafe

 enable log target upm failsafe

 configure log target upm failsafe filter failsafe severity Info

 configure log target upm failsafe match Any

 set var command $READ(Enter Commit Command e.g. «enable port 1:1» [THIS WILL EXECUTE])

 show var blank

 # set upm timer so we can execute the failsafe upm in a timely manner

 configure idletimeout $idletimeout

 enable idletimeout


 set var comment «$(command) has been executed»

 show var comment

 create log entry «$(command)»

 set var comment «A delay of $(delay) miliseconds has been started»

 show var comment

 set var wait $TCL(after $delay)

 set var comment «A delay of $(delay) miliseconds has been stopped»

 show var comment

 set var commit $READ(Do you want to commit? y/N e.g. «y»)

 set var search $TCL(regexp {y} $commit)

if ($search == 1) then

 show var blank

 set var comment «You have successfully commit the $(command) command»

 show var comment



 set var comment «$(backout) has been executed because a commit of y was not set»

 show var comment

 create log entry «$(backout) has been executed because a commit of y was not set»


 configure idletimeout 20

 disable log target upm «failsafe»

 delete log target upm «failsafe»

 delete log filter «failsafe»

 delete var key red

 delete upm profile failsafe

if ($VAREXISTS(delay)) then

 delete var delay


if ($VAREXISTS(backout)) then

 delete var backout


if ($VAREXISTS(command)) then

 delete var command


if ($VAREXISTS(wait)) then

 delete var wait


if ($VAREXISTS(search)) then

 delete var search


if ($VAREXISTS(CLI.OUT)) then                                                                     

 delete var CLI.OUT                                                                          


if ($VAREXISTS(inputA)) then                                                                     

 delete var inputA                                                                          


if ($VAREXISTS(verify)) then                                                                     

 delete var verify                                                                          


if ($VAREXISTS(blackout)) then                                                                     

 delete var blackout                                                                          


if ($VAREXISTS(blank)) then                                                                     

 delete var blank                                                                          


if ($VAREXISTS(comment)) then                                                                     

 delete var comment                                                                          


if ($VAREXISTS(commit)) then                                                                     

 delete var commit                                                                          


if ($VAREXISTS(verifyCommand)) then                                                                     

 delete var verifyCommand                                                                          


if ($VAREXISTS(failsafe)) then                                                                     

 delete var failsafe                                                                          


if ($VAREXISTS(idletimeout)) then                                                                     

 delete var idletimeout


if ($VAREXISTS(ynCliModeAbortEnabled)) then

 delete var ynCliModeAbortEnabled



# End of CLI Script


create log entry «**********Finished running CLI Script**********»

enable clipaging

enable cli-config-logging

disable cli scripting